Friday, December 2, 2011

Google Drive "GDrive" Cloud Storage

 Have you been waiting for the infamous Google Drive? And no I'm not referring to the Google driving car, but the Google drop box competitor. The hard drive in the cloud somewhere?Google-Drive-GDrive-Coming-Soon
Well I have been "Hoping" that the GDrive is everything I want and more.
There are several questions floating around about the GDrive. One is it going to sync to the desktop computer. Two how much room is it going to have for free?
Let’s start with the later. How much storage is the GDrive going to have? To answer this question we need to ask the question: Does Google already have a services that could be the GDrive? The answer is Yes it does. Google Docs, which just announced the ability to upload any file into the Google doc cloud. 

So why did we need to ask that question? Because Google Docs has a free 1Gb of space. The question has been asked, will it stay the same? I think they will increase the storage and here is why.
We need to look at the Google products in whole that offer storage online and gauge them.
Currently with Gmail you get 7653 MB of free space.
Picasa 1024 MB of space for photos and videos.
Google Docs gives you 1024MB.
Google Music is a little tricky. It does say, but allows for 20,000 songs. How much storage is that? We can calculate that based on Amazon’s storage to song ratio which is 5gb to 2,000 songs. So lets assume google music allows for 50Gbs of space.
And let’s not forget YouTube - which I don't think even has a cap on storage.
So looking at the how Google handles storage recently (Google Music) I would say that the GDrive is going to have a lot of space. All of these have been separate in the past, but Google is starting to combine them. Notice on the page top left is a new Menu that combines to services (new as of this week)...
If anyone has looked into Google+ and their photo's that now pull into your Picasa account. Also the YouTube site is changing its look as of December 1st 2011. This has been the biggest change in You Tube’s History.
If you have looked into Google’s storage pricing it is much cheaper than the other services. Example: Drop box is $200 a year for 100Gbs where Google (from any of the programs you upgrade at the same place and price.)

Google pricing is $100 for 400gbs - better price I think so.
So, is Google going to add more storage? All the evidence is pointing to Google making large changes within its products. As far as the ability to sync to your computer? There are already tools out there to sync them, so I couldn’t see Google letting someone else build this for them. The final clue is the image above:  It shows download Google Drive.  Just like drop box has a sync tool that you download. 
Google has a lot riding on their new look they have been creating. It is all focusing around Google+. What do you think? Let me know.
Also – could this be the Google “Epic 2015”

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